Economy Data Observatory

Economy Data Observatory

Automated Data Observatory



Yes!Delft AI+Blockchain Validation Lab

Big data and automation create new inequalities and injustices and has a potential to create a jobless growth. Our Economy Observatory is a fully automated, open source, open data observatory that produces new indicators from open data sources and experimental big data sources, with authoritative copies and a modern API.

Our observatory is monitoring the European economy to protect the consumers and the small companies from unfair competition both from data and knowledge monopolization and robotization. We take a critical SME-, intellectual property policy and competition policy point of view automation, robotization, and the AI revolution on the service-oriented European social market economy.

We would like to create early-warning, risk, economic effect, and impact indicators that can be used in scientific, business and policy contexts for professionals who are working on re-setting the European economy after a devastating pandemic and in the age of AI. We would like to map data between economic activities (NACE), antitrust markets, and sub-national, regional, metropolitian area data.

Get involved in services: our ongoing projects, team of contributors, open-source libraries and use our data for publications. See some use cases.

Follow news about us or the more comprehensive Data & Lyrics blog.

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Our automated observatory participates in the EU Datathon 2021 challenge #2. We believe that introducing Open Policy Analysis standards with open data, open-source software and research automation can help the economy that works for people, particularly the challenge we are focusing on the Single market strategy. Our collaboration is open for individuals, citizens scientists, research institutes, NGOS, companies.

Download our competition presentation

Our Product/Market Fit was validated in the world’s 2nd ranked university-backed incubator program, the Yes!Delft AI Validation Lab.


Automated Data Services

[Data](/services/data-curation/) [Curation](/services/data-curation/)Data sits everywhere and it is not easy to find even at home. Our curators know where to dig.
Data sits everywhere and it is not easy to find even at home. Our curators know where to dig.
[Professional Data Processing](/data/open-gov/#is-there-value-left-in-open-data)Uncut diamonds need to be polished. Data is only potential information, raw and unprocessed.
Professional Data Processing
Uncut diamonds need to be polished. Data is only potential information, raw and unprocessed.
[Metadata: Documentation & Codebooks](/services/metadata/)Adding FAIR metadata exponentially increases the value of data. We use DataCite and SDMX statistical coding.
Metadata: Documentation & Codebooks
Adding FAIR metadata exponentially increases the value of data. We use DataCite and SDMX statistical coding.
[Data-as-Service](/services/data-as-service/)Reusable, easy-to-import, interoperable, always fresh data in tidy formats with a modern API.

Reusable, easy-to-import, interoperable, always fresh data in tidy formats with a modern API.
Data Curation
We create high value key business and policy evaluation indicators. Scientific proofs require the combination of correctly matching, formatting, and verifying controlled pieces of data. Our data comes from verified and legal sources, with information about use rights and a complete history. You can always take a look at the processing code, too. We do not deal in blood diamonds.
Data Processing
We create high value key business and policy evaluation indicators. Scientific proofs require the combination of correctly matching, formatting, and verifying controlled pieces of data. Our data comes from verified and legal sources, with information about use rights and a complete history. You can always take a look at the processing code, too. We do not deal in blood diamonds.
We provide our clients with simple datasets, databases, harmonized survey data, and various other rich data applications; we provide them with continuous access to high-quality, re-processed, re-usable public sector and scientific data.

Recent Posts

Check out our more general Data & Lyrics blog.


API to our data, our sources, how we process and validate it, how we increase its quality.

Contributors of the Economy Data Observatory

Join our open collaboration team as a data curator, developer or business developer! More about contributing: Automated Observatory Contributors’ Handbook.



Daniel Antal

Data Scientist & Founder of the Digital Music Observatory


Kasia Kulma

Contributor, data science and software engineering


Leo Lahti

rOpenGov coordinator


Pyry Kantanen

R package testing and data curation.


Botond Vitos

Data scientists and developer

data curators


Karel Volkaert

Economic policy data curator


Peter Ormosi

Competition and innovation data curator


Stephan Okhuijsen

Data visualization and dissemination

service development team


Annette Wong

Contributor, digital strategist and product marketer


Suzan Sidal

Business Case Development & Service Design


Robin Nagy

Mentor, Contributor, Business Development

institutional partners



rOpenGov network



Data dissemination partner

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New Developers

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Observatory Business Associate

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Open-Source Software

Our peer-reviewed, open source statistical software packages

Open-Source Software

Our peer-reviewed, open source statistical software packages

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